About me

Profile picture of myself

This place is a good start to learn more about me. This site is my personal weblog and a way for people to get in touch with me.


Since I'm working in the tech business my typical working day does not include any kind of sports – except mental sport. I try to make up for this misery by spending parts of my free time jogging or riding around on my cyclocross bike. I love nature and try to stay away from roads and cities if possible and run through woods and forests and meadows.


I do love technology – especially any tech that is related to the internet. I'm fascinated about how human mankind created and maintains a global network where any individual can (theoretically) reach any other individual on this earth in a just a few hundred milliseconds. We believe it's normal but in my opinion it's not. To me it's one of the greatest achievements of mankind!

I have worked in several jobs so far. I would call myself an all-rounder who loves to learn new stuff that is related to technology by any means. Jobs in the past included:

  • Working as a front-end web developer
  • Working as a full-stack web developer
  • Working as a data engineer trainer

The best part about my job is that I love it so much that I also do it privately. I love to operate my own web-server on which I host many tools that I love and use on a daily basis. These include:

  • Gitea: I host my private git server and I love it!
  • Elasticsearch: I use Elasticsearch for some side-projects in which I require a full-text based search engine. It's my document store for any kind of (un-/semi-structured) documents that I want to crawl through later. See my posts about Elasticsearch.
  • Miniflux: My personal RSS reader. While most people consume most of their news through social media channels, which have their recommender systems doing it's (influential) work in the background, I try to stay away from social media and consume hand-picked channels instead. Miniflux is an awesome web-based RSS reader that supports me in this endeavor.
  • Nextcloud: I love to have control over my data. This is why I don't use public cloud storage but have a self-hosted Nextcloud instance. I'm quite happy with it. Of course it does not offer as much as many public cloud providers offer, but I think it's a good compromise between functionality and privacy. See my posts about Nextcloud.
  • Organice: Great tool that translated the Emacs org-mode into a web-based interface. I use it to maintain a simple text file where I brain-dump my ideas and organize many aspects of my life. Strictly speaking it would not be necessary to host Organice myself but I like to have control over the version and any (potentially breaking) changes of the tools that I heavily use on a daily basis.
  • Airflow: The hidden task-scheduler for some automatic tasks on my server. It's a great tool for building and maintaining data processing pipelines.
  • Pi-hole: Ads and tracking scripts – the web has become an ugly space in some aspects. Pi-hole helps to remove a huge portion of this ugliness and makes the web a friendlier place again – for all devices in my network. Nice. See my posts about Pi-hole.
  • Nginx: I use Nginx as a reverse proxy for various services on my web-server. It's such a great and reliable piece of software. ♥
  • Plausible Analytics: I use a self-hosted Plausible Analytics instance to gain a few insights into this blog. I can highly recommend it as an alternative to Google Analytics in case you care about the privacy of your users.

I would like to thank all the developers involved in creating these wonderful tools and sharing them with the public. They are my (silent) heroes.


Part of my professional life has always been to educate colleagues or train/mentor other people along my own learning path. I love to teach because it helps me to understand things better. I use the Feynman technique whenever possible to learn new stuff and can highly recommend it to others.

Open Source

I am an Open Source advocate. Most of the software that I have privately developed in the past has been released under an Open Source license. I think the world needs to share more ideas, more code and more of the good stuff in order to improve the situation for everybody on this planet. I like to contribute whatever I can.

Unfortunately this is not true for code that I have developed professionally because companies often try to lock their secrets behind their walls. But this may change in the future ...

Social Media

I'm not really interested in social media. I don't think it does any good if single providers get too large which is why I try to stay away from any of the major players in the social media context. I do make use of Mastodon where you can find me on the Fosstodon instance.


Well, I guess I have way too many of them right now. But these are the main devices that I use are currently:

  • A Macbook Pro which I use as my developer notebook. Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5287U CPU @ 2.90GHz with 2 cores, 16 GB RAM, 500 GB SSD. I used to use macOS for the notebook, but since Apple is lacking the high-quality support they have had in the past I decided to switch to Manjaro Linux some time ago. And I'm quite happy about this decision, although unfortunately battery life has dropped significantly (but that might also be a coincidence with the battery which seems to be dying)[1]. I prefer Linux over macOS because of the freedom. I would probably not go back to macOS anymore.
  • A hand-made server which I use to self-host a lot of software (see above). Also runs a Linux operating system (Ubuntu Server). Specs: AMD Ryzen 3 2200G with 4 cores @ 3.50 GHz, 16 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD, 8 TB HDD.

  1. Since I changed from Gnome 3 to i3 and later to Sway battery life has again got much better and is no longer an issue. I guess it's a mixture between the real good power management of the Apple Macbook (> 500 loading cycles) and a not-so-energy-hungry operating system and window server. ↩︎